The Lexington Street YWCA in Albany, New York, would like to inquire if The Washington Electric Foundation might be interested in helping us with a very special project: Safe Haven for Families At Risk, a program providing day care shelter for homeless mothers and children.
Safe Haven for Families At Risk gives homeless women and children a safe environment and food in the daytime when the city’s homeless shelters are closed. We provide counseling and support, and have a job placement service.
We would like to know if The Safe Haven for Families At Risk program fits within the priorities and interests of The Washington Electric Foundation. It is similar in both organization and purpose to programs that you have funded in the past, and we hope you will be interested.
You may reach me, or the program's contact person, Linda Adessio, at (518) 983-4120. You may also leave a message at Safe Haven for Families At Risk (518) 983-6301. One of us will promptly return your call.